Monday, October 4, 2010

Tasty Pictures

Tasty pictures=pictures that look so good you want that thing inside that picture, so badly.

Have you ever taken a picture that looks so professional that you want to share it with the whole world and you feel like you almost want to take a career in photography? (well...maybe that only happened to me...)

But anyway, post a link to a picture you took that you LOVE. (In the comments) Or go out and take a picture and post it. Let us see your tasty pictures!!!


  1. oh I can't wait to see what people submit!

  2. just letting you know I haven't heard back from you regarding winning the ghirardelli giveaway - please send me your mailing address by October 19! -Thanks!


"All four seasons in one day"....

Look here for ideas with fun, fresh fall food. (Say that 10 times fast!) Bring your ideas to the table when you comment! And lastly....Love the season you're in :)