Sunday, October 3, 2010

Food share or Garden: Your Thoughts?

I have never really been a part of a food share. But I do help neighbors and relatives when they get more than they think they can eat. (He he!) What's your food share like? What do you love most about it? Favorite dishes to make from the items you get? Or do you use your own garden?

I especially love Swiss chard. I grow it in my garden on the side of the house and am more than happy to receive it from friends. It is the best side dish to any dinner, I believe.

I will have some pictures and recipes up of this wonderful garden/food share ingredient starting this week. What's yours?

Fall food--Yum!


  1. i get a weekly CSA box and share it with a neighbor... my fall-back dish is also pasta served with some sauteed or roasted veggies

  2. I love food shares! This summer I did a trade with a friend who grew okra. It was yummy!


"All four seasons in one day"....

Look here for ideas with fun, fresh fall food. (Say that 10 times fast!) Bring your ideas to the table when you comment! And lastly....Love the season you're in :)