Sunday, October 17, 2010


So, I was at a local CSA/food share and I saw this lovely vegetable. I did a little research online but I wanted to show this to everyone here, too. Have you ever used delicata? It has a texture a bit like acorn squash and a golden color inside. I want to use it but I don't really know how. Every time I cook a squash, something is always off. Do you have any recipes or idea for this fall vegetable?

Let me know what you would do with delicata!


  1. I've seen these as well but never bought one because I don't know what I'd make with it - I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. Maybe try making it into a soup! Roast it and puree it. Then put some seasonings in it and heat it up! : )

  3. Good Afternoon Zoe!! I've never seen one of these, but I'm intrigued! Let us know what you end up doing. I'm guessing roasted with a bit of salt and pepper on top would be tasty.

    On another note, I saw your note on our White Chocolate post. I haven't used anything that called for melted white chocolate in years as I have always ended up with a sticky glob. The Guittard chips melted SO nicely... I don't know if it was them or me that made it work, but I'm sticking with that brand!!

    Thanks for you comment!!


"All four seasons in one day"....

Look here for ideas with fun, fresh fall food. (Say that 10 times fast!) Bring your ideas to the table when you comment! And lastly....Love the season you're in :)